Top 5 Biggest IT Security Firms by Market Capitalization

In light of the recent issues involving Microsoft and CrowdStrike – where a huge swathe of the economy was affected by their infrastructure breakdown (especially major airlines). I thought it would be interesting to see just who are the kings of the hill in our

CrowdStrike: Navigating the Aftermath and Rebuilding Trust

In the world of cybersecurity, the stakes are perpetually high, with the risks and consequences of failure often severe. For CrowdStrike, a leading cybersecurity firm, the recent incident involving a massive network failure at Microsoft has thrust the company into a critical period of introspection

Best Ways to Protect Your Identity Online: for the Free

Key points Let’s face it – we’re all living in the digital age, protecting your identity online is crucial to safeguarding your personal information from theft, fraud, and unauthorized access. As the hackers and scammers get more and more sophisticated in the mthods, so too

3 Other Common Ransomware Attack Vectors

Ransomware can be a frightening prospect, but with the right knowledge and tools at your disposal, you can significantly minimize its potential impact. Take time to understand your digital security and fortify your defenses against these six common ransomware attack vectors. Here’s to a safer,