Shocking: Top 5 Countries for 5G Availability in 2024

These top five countries exemplify the rapid advancement and adoption of 5G technology.


How is it, that two of the most technologically advanced nations on planet Earth (China and America) is not more 5G connected in 2024? This piece on the countries with the best 5G connection times will shock many and confuse a few.

5G technology is revolutionizing how we connect to the internet, offering unprecedented speed and reliability. Based on a 2023 study Statista, some countries are leading the charge in 5G availability, ensuring their users can benefit from this cutting-edge technology.

Here’s a look at the top five countries for 5G availability in 2023, according to

5. Singapore – (30% 5G Availability)

Singapore, known for its advanced technological infrastructure, ranks fifth in 5G availability. With 30% of the time spent on 5G networks, Singaporean users enjoy enhanced connectivity and faster internet speeds, supporting the nation’s goal of becoming a smart city.

The widespread adoption of 5G in Singapore is a testament to its commitment to innovation and digital transformation.

4. United States – (31.1% 5G Availability)

The United States comes in fourth place, with 5G availability standing at 31.1%. This significant percentage reflects the extensive rollout of 5G networks across the country.

Major telecom operators have been aggressively expanding their 5G coverage, ensuring that a large portion of the population can experience the benefits of this next-generation technology. This has facilitated advancements in various sectors, including healthcare, entertainment, and smart home technologies.

3. Kuwait – (39.4% 5G Availability)

Kuwait secures the third spot with 39.4% 5G availability. The country has made substantial investments in its telecommunications infrastructure, leading to a rapid expansion of 5G networks.

This high level of availability supports Kuwait’s vision of a digitally connected society and enhances the quality of life for its residents by providing faster and more reliable internet access.

2. South Korea – (42.9% 5G Availability)

South Korea, a global leader in technology and innovation, ranks second with 42.9% 5G availability. South Korea’s robust 5G infrastructure is a result of significant investments and a strong commitment from both the government and private sectors.

The extensive 5G coverage has enabled the development of advanced applications such as autonomous vehicles, smart factories, and immersive virtual reality experiences, reinforcing South Korea’s position at the forefront of technological advancement.

1. Puerto Rico – (48.4% 5G Availability)

Leading the pack is Puerto Rico, with an impressive 48.4% 5G availability. This remarkable achievement highlights Puerto Rico’s successful deployment of 5G networks, allowing nearly half of the surveyed period to be spent connected to a 5G service.

The widespread availability of 5G in Puerto Rico not only boosts connectivity but also plays a crucial role in disaster recovery and emergency response, given the island’s vulnerability to natural disasters. The enhanced communication infrastructure supports resilience and economic growth, making Puerto Rico a standout leader in 5G technology.

In Summary

These top five countries exemplify the rapid advancement and adoption of 5G technology. Their efforts in expanding 5G availability are paving the way for a more connected and technologically advanced future, setting a benchmark for other nations to follow.